What others say

“Ne zgjodhëm Dedikim për trajnimin e skuadrës së organizatës sonë. Ne kemi parë rritje edhe zhvillim. Skuadra jonë ka përfituar mjaft mjete dhe njohuri në tema si: zgjidhja dhe menaxhimi i konfliktit, komunikimi, ndërtimi i skuadrës, etj.
Dedikim, emër me kuptim!”

Orges Hysenaj
Drejtor Kombëtar
Teen Challenge Albania

“I have the pleasure of working closely together with Esther for several years. Esther never went easygoing in any situation:  If it comes to taking decisions, providing training, coming along people or organizations, Esther does it with all her attention – dedikim!
Her wide experience, broad education and personal commitment enables Esther to bring helpful and creative insights to build a constructive collaboration atmosphere in every situation. I’ve seen it function for personal, group and business situations.

Since 2017 Esther has been part of the management team of ShKBSh Prison Fellowship Albania after a successful career elsewhere, and I can only express my wish that she will remain part of our organization for much longer.”

Fred Westerink
CEO ShKBSh Prison Fellowship Albania

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