
Whether it is coaching of individuals, group trainings or team coaching, a key word for me is ‘unfolding‘. There is a question, a challenge, a problem or conflict, and one decides to ask for help. My vision as coach is that the answer lays in the person or the team itself, and I will help finding it. In the process that we enter together, it will unfold. That means that I will support in clarifying, reflecting, asking impertinent questions, offering different views, and letting unfold what lays hidden as a treasure to be discovered.

As a trainer, my starting point is the request of a team or group, in which I hear the desire for growth.
In this process of growing together, I contribute with models and concepts to clarify situations or actions, and I offer activities that help apply what is learned. I work multi-dimensional, which means that I choose per situation or question whether we will be talking, doing roleplay, inside or outside, teaching, physical exercises, brainstorms, or other styles of action and interaction.

I have an eclectic work style. Based on my 30+ years of experience and education, I choose and apply per situation and per person which model or concept I will use.

People are value and purpose driven. In every coaching or training, I will work on unfolding the values and purposes that my clients have, in order to help them make choices that are in line with how they want to appear in life and work.

I believe that we live, move and exist in the living presence of our Creator. As a person and as professional coach and trainer, my basic attitude is presence. I want to be present and dedicated to who you are and where you want to go. By being present, I choose not to judge but to question, not to push in a certain direction but to offer clarity and let the direction unfold. The more you make your choices from your true self, as an individual or as a team, the more you will flourish and succeed in the steps you take.

Dedikim Coaching & Training,
dedicated to help people and organizations grow


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