About me

Dedicated to help people and organizations grow

Here is the person behind Dedikim. My name is Esther Klaassen. My roots lay in The Netherlands, and having lived in China before, I now live and work in Albania. Although this seems to say something about geography, for me it mainly says something about following my callings and about my interest and experience in working in different cultures and with the most interesting variety of people. I am intrigued by how people are shaped by life, culture, family, experiences, beliefs, pains, hardships, joys, dreams and talents. The story of each individual is always so much bigger than it seems at first, and we all bring this with us in our contact with others. It can be a recipe for happiness and strength, but also for misunderstandings and frustrations. In my coaching and training, I join you in the search for using all this uniqueness for the growth of individuals, teams and organizations.

As a person, I think I am equally people and task oriented. I love to meet friends and new people. But I also love quiet time, reflection, reading, hiking in the beautiful nature of Albania, cooking and solving Japanese puzzles. In the work, I am exited about creating new possibilities for (strategic) growth, organizing the work well, problem solving, delivering high standard products and services.

Coaching and training has always been part of my work, whether it be for staff, clients, beneficiaries or volunteers. Also outside my jobs, I have offered coaching, mentoring, conflict mediation and training to individuals and groups. I have experienced myself the benefits of having a coach in crucial periods of my life. We are created as relational beings and we all can grow from someone who is present in our lives when new things unfold.

Click here for my CV. You can see also my LinkedIn profile.

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